Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Last Carnival I went to Ouro Preto, which is a small city in Minas Gerais state, and I was there for five days.
By conventional bus it takes me 12 hours. It is not so bad because I can go at night and sleep, but I took a bus that my friend chartered.
She chartered the bus and advertised on a web site, so on the bus were friends and people that I didn’t know.
The travel was terrible due to different reasons like the bus driver didn’t know the way very well, the bus got a flat tire, the bus got lost, there was a boy that talked loud and sometimes screamed during the trip, I ate so many snacks and cookies and when I arrived there I had a terrible stomachache.
The bus arrived after 16 hours and the first day of Carnival wasn’t good.
I learned to take bus/transportation only with certain companies.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Glad you learned a lesson from this trip! Keep in touch when you're back in Brazil. It was great to have you in the class!